Constitution of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD)
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- Kategorie: Grundsatzdokumente
- Veröffentlicht am Freitag, 01. November 2019 22:30
- Geschrieben von estro
- Zugriffe: 18287
Constitution of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD)The Constitution has been enacted on April 21, 2007 at the 25th party congress of the KPD.
The foundation of the Communist Party of Germany on December 30, 1918 was the most significant event in the history of the german labour movement. It was the cornerstone for a Marxist party following the lead of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) founded by Vladimir Lenin. The party was founded under the influence of the great socialist October Revolution in Russia of 1917 and the November Revolution in Germany. The KPD pursues the ideas of Marx and Engels.
As the revolutionary vanguard of the working class, the Communist Party of Germany has always been fighting for democracy and socialism, for the national and social liberation from slavery and war due to the imperialistic states.
The history of the KPD will always be connected to Ernst Thälmann, a communist that played a major role in the party‘s development to become a revolutionary mass party for the German proletariat. By cultivating a deep friendship to the Soviet Union and the party‘s fidelity to the principles of Marxism-Leninism the party became the leading force for our people in the fight for peace, unity, democracy and socialism.
We feel deeply associated with this tradition and we can look back on great achievements of the Communist Party of Germany.
The KPD is a marxist-leninist party, the most class-conscious and organised vanguard and the highest version of organising the working class.
The KPD is a consistent representative of the interest of the working class.
The KPD is inheritor and keeper of the experiences and knowledge about class struggle gained by the revolutionary working class and its allies in Germany.
The KPD is part of the revolutionary international communist and the labour movement.
The KPD follows strictly the tradition of the Communist League, of the Spartacist League, the KPD and SED (Socialist Unity Party of Germany) as well as their outstanding personalities and it will always be committed to antifascism.
The KPD is inheritor and keeper of all that good that was fought hard for by the labour class, the socialist experiences and achievements of the DDR.
The KPD is an organisation with a unitary structure that is hold together by its conscious and great proletarian discipline. It follows the principles of the democratic centralism, meaning it combines democracy within the party with stern discipline by constantly verifying the accuracy of its slogans by analyzing the daily fight of the workers. Hence the party will admit its mistakes and learn from it. By adhering the main principles of criticism and self-criticism it enables itself to be a better leader for the fight of the workers. The unity of will power and concurrent operation – that is incompatible with deviation from the party‘ s program and discipline or the formation of parliamentary groups within the party – make the party strong.
The KPD is accountable for the political and ideological development and consolidation of its youth organisation, the Communist Youth League of Germany (KJVD).
The KPD is protagonist for a socialist German republic, that will be implemented by the working class and millions of the working population.
The KPD not only fights individuals but the class of capitalists and their institutions.
The KPD is the opponent of the reactionary infiltration of the basic law by the Federal Republic of Germany (BRD). Therefore it fights to maintain such provisions that are in the interests of the workers.
The manifesto and the Constitution of the KPD make high demands on the sense of responsibility and the morals of the voluntarily organised party members.
The name of the party is
Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands
(Communist Party of Germany)
short term: KPD
It is based in Berlin.
I. The whip, rights and duties of the party members
1. The whip
To become a party member you have to
- - be at least 17 years old
- - recognize the manifesto and constitution of the party
- - fight actively for the aims of the KPD
- - be no member of another party
The admission has to be applied for in writing.
The admission as a member follows after a year as a candidate as well as a thorough examination conducted by the responsible organisation. In general that is the organisation where the candidate has his place of residence. Exceptions will be discussed by the organisations of the responsible federal state and the central committee.
His or her application period starts in that very moment when the application has been proven by the general meeting. The general meeting decides on the admission by a simple majority. Where there is no cell or regional organisation the admission as a member will be made by the federal organisation or rather the central committee. The membership card will be given to the member by the central commitee. It remains property of the party and it has to be returned to the respective direction after withdrawing.
Foreign citizens can also become a member of the KPD. If the case applies that the person is also a member in a party of his/her home country the membership has to be at rest for the time being.
The membership in another communist or labor party will be taken into account if it hasn‘t been more than three years between the former membership and the application.
Honorary members that do their political work for the party very exemplary can be appointed as an „Honorary Member“ by the central committee. Adequate proposals can be submitted by the leaders of the federal organisations to the central committee.
Membership shall end with death, resignation of membership, exclusion or deletion from the membership list.
The member shall declare the resignation in writing to the respective federal organisation and record it in a protocol.
If the resignation is made orally at the general meeting it has to be recorded.
2. Duties of the members
Every member is obliged to
- - guard the politico-ideologically and organisational unity and purity of the party as its most important condition for its strength and protect it against all malicious attacks.
- - acquire knowledge about Marxism-leninism, especially by studying the work of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin as well as other significant Marxists/Leninists.
- - act everywhere and always as a party member and furthermore to
- - be consistently organised regardless of its position in the party and be an active member
- - be loyal to the party, vigilant about any revolutionary moments and increase the fighting strength of the party
- - recognize any decisions taken by the party and collaborate on their implementation
- - engage in criticism and self-criticism without damaging a person‘s reputation to reveal any work deficiencies of the party and to overcome it by proposing better options and encourage controversy
- - disclose the party and its goals to the public and to acquire new members
- - be an active member in organisations, clubs and associations that have the same anti-imperialistic and democratic goals as the party (excluded are fascist organisations)
- - pay the membership fees regularly and correctly
- - read and propagate the central body “Die rote Fahne” and the publication series of the party
3. The rights of the members
All party members have the same rights and duties. Every member has the right to
- - participate in the organisation and the party press and to discuss all questions regarding the Party’s policies, as well as to participate in all practical work, to criticize and make proposals
- - participate in the election and to offer oneself as a candidate
- - be present and express his/her own opinion if there is a dicussion within his’ or her’s organisation regarding one person and decisions have to be taken on that matter
- - contact the superordinate party organ with any questions and receive an answer
4. disciplinary measures
Every disciplinary measure shall be communicated in a clarifying, comradely and way and to be documented.
Permissible measures are:
- - criticism in front of the general meeting
- - disapproval
- - warning
- - deletion
- - exclusion
The following disciplinary measures (criticism, disapproval or warning) have to be decided on by the respective general meeting by simple majority. The decision has to be argued for and recorded in a protocol. These measures will apply in case of breach of obligations and a deletion or exclusion is not yet justified.
If a member doesn’t pay its fees for more than three month without any particular reason and/or if a member participate actively in the party work his/her deletion from the membership list can be decided on by a simple majority by the general meeting. The administration will inform the member in advance. He/she has got the right to take a stand in written or personal as well as appeal to the responsible control and dispute committee.
The responsible control and dispute committee verifies and confirms or rejects the disciplinary measure. The decision has to be argued for in written form and communicated to the applicant as well as the person concerned.
The request for exclusion requires a two-third majority of the members in a general meeting of the regional or federal organisations. The request has to be proven by the control and dispute committee afterwards. The responsible organ as well as the person concerned must be informed about the decision taken.
A member can only be excluded from the party if he/she acted in breach of the statute intentionally and thus cause serious harm to the party. A procedure of exclusion is justifiable in particular in case of/if:
- - the member acts hostile to the party
- - serious violations against the party’s charter and program
- - extreme disrespect and violation of the political decisions
- - violations of the party’s principles of unity and purity and the democracy within the party as well as the party discipline
- - the abuse of his/her party function and/or elective offices
- - serious violation of the party’s reputation, especially in public
The member confronted with such a procedure of exclusion has the right and the duty to actively participate in this procedure in order to clarify the situation.
Every member has the right to lodge an appeal against the exclusion by the cenctral control and dispute committee. The central control and dispute committee has to examine the appeal, address the issue and inform the proposer and the person concerning the exclusion about its new decision.
If a clear decision is not possible, the central committee must decide on it. The basis for this the result of the examination of the control and dispute committee.
Regarding members who are part of the central committee or the federal directions or elected for a specific function by these a request can only be filed if the central committee or the federal organisation commissioned or approves it.
In strong and urgent cases that require an immediate intervention the central committee or the lead of the federal organisation can absolve the member from his/her rights until the central control and dispute committee makes a decision.
The organisations have the right and duty to inform the central committee and the federal lead about any wrongdoings of members that are functionaries or in a leading position.
The organisations have the duty to take an active part in the procedure of exclusion and the right to send a statement of objection to the responsible directions or to the control and dispute committee.
The central control and dispute committee examines, addresses the issue and confirms the proposed disciplinary measure or rejects it. The decision of the control and dispute committee must be justified in writing and disclosed to the proposer as well as to the person concerned.
The request for exclusion of a member of the central committee requires a two-thirds majority of the central committee.
Persons that have been removed from the list, that have left or have been excluded have the possibility to apply for a new membership after two years and if they have written guarantee from other members.
5. Measures Against Regional and Federal Organizations and Cells
The dissolution and exclusion of subordinate organizations, as well as the release of their leaders from their tasks, are only permissible in case of serious violations of the party constitution.
The following behavior will be assessed as a serious violation:
serious damage to the reputation of the party
misuse of party functions
violation of the principles of unity and purity of the party
Measures against federal or regional leaders are taken and justified by the central committee of the party with a two-thirds majority.
Before the central committee takes a decision the case has to be treated by the central control and disputes committee.
Objections against the decision of the central committee have to be addressed to the central control and disputes committee.
The resolution on measures against federal organizations has to be confirmed at the next party congress and will be ceased to be effective in case of non-confirmation.
II. The structure of the party and democracy within the party.
1. The organizational principle is the democratic centralism
This principle states that:
- All leaders of the party are democratically elected from bottom to top.
- All leaders and functionaries are accountable to the organization which elected them and have to regularly submit reports on their activities to the same organization. Functionaries of higher leadership institutions have to submit reports on their work in the management and committees to their organizations.
- All resolutions of the superordinate institutions are binding for the subordinate institutions.
-Fundamental decisions as referring to the statute, the programme or the elections have to be discussed in the whole party before resolutions are adopted.
-The highest principle of the work of leaders and organizations is collectivity which includes the personal responsibility of each comrade.
-Personality cult and disintegration of the democratic principles within the party will not be tolerated in the party.
-Fractional activity is inadmissible.
-Ideological and organizational vigilance has to be enforced in all organizations and integrates the obligation to inform from bottom to top and vice versa.
The law on political parties of the BRD is binding for all organizations of the KPD.
2. Structure of the Party
The KPD is structured according to the territorial principle. This means that the members of the party are members of the organization and active in the organization which is territorially responsible for their place of residence.
The KPD is subdivided into:
- Party cells, consisting of at least three members
- Regional organizations
- Federal organizations
Structural changes referring to the formation/dissolution of federal organizations have to be decided by the central committee and confirmed by the party congress. The federal organizations decide upon formation/dissolution of cells and regional organizations of their area of responsibility.
3. Committees of the Party
The highest committees of the party for the corresponding level are the following:
- The whole party – The party congress
- Federal organization – Federal delegate congress or federal members assembly
- Regional organization – The members' assembly
- Cell – The members' assembly
All leaders of the party are elected directly and secretly. The personnel strength of the leadership is determined by the Congress of the party and the responsible leaders.
The election of leaders takes place every two years:
- At the Congress of the party for the whole party
- At the federal delegate conference or the federal member assembly for the federal organization
- At the member assemblies of the regional organizations and cells
The election to central functions of the party requires two years of membership in the KPD. Exceptions are decided by the central committee.
The elections within the party take place on the basis of the electoral regulations of the KPD
4. Tasks of the party's institutions
4.1. Party Congress
The party congress is the highest institution of the party. It advises and resolves the strategy and tactics of the party, as well as the party programme, the statute, and its changes. It receives the written accountability report of the central committee, the central finance-revision committee and the central control and disputes committee and takes decisions in accordance with them. The party congress determines the election order, the central finance-revision order and the order of the central control and dispute committee and their changes. It advises and resolves requests of delegates of the party congress as well as the requests of organizations and committees of the party.
The party congress advises and resolves the revision and resolutions of the central committee and the central control and dispute committee according to their orders.
The party congress elects the chairman of the party, the members of the central committee, the candidates of the central committee, the central finance-revision commission and the members of the central control and dispute committee with a simple majority of the present delegates.
The written convocation of the party congress and the announcement of the agenda have to be made at least eight weeks in advance of the begin of the party congress by the central committee.
The party congress will be quorate when more than half of the elected delegates are present. The number of delegates for each federal organization is determined by the central committee in coordination with the federal committee, according to the number of members of the federal organization. (Usually 1 delegate in 5 members)
The party congress adopts resolutions with a simple majority of the present delegates.
The resolutions of the party congress have to be proofed and stored in written form with a signature and a seal.
On the demand of the central committee or 50 percent of the party members, an extraordinary party congress can be convoked. Its convocation has to be made in the same order, the convocation of a regular party congress has to be made.
4.2. The central committee
The central committee is the highest institution of the party in between party congresses. It executes the resolutions of the party congress and leads the whole ideological and organizational work of the party. Therefore, the central committee adopts resolutions and work guidelines. The candidates of the Central Committee have an advisory role. The central committee represents the whole party as a legal entity towards other parties, the state institutions, and legal communication.
The central committee organizes and leads the international activities of the party.
When members resign from the central committee, candidates for the central committee, elected by the party congress, can be confirmed as new members of the central committee, by the central committee.
The central committee resolves the formation and dissolution of divisions of the KPD.
The central committee meets on the basis of work plans, usually quarterly or when necessary. Members and candidates of the central committee can submit proposals to the agenda of the meetings of the central committees.
The central committee elects the deputy of the chairman and the secretariat of the central committee.
The central committee convenes the ideological commission, the commission for international cooperation, the commission for economic policy and the editorial office of "Die Rote Fahne".
The central committee deploys representatives for certain tasks and convenes working groups when necessary.
After all meetings the central committee informs the institutions of the party about its activities, adopted resolutions and the resulting tasks, using the press organ of the party. The members and candidates of the central committee evaluate the results and report it to their organizations and other organizations and give hints for their further work.
The members and candidates of the central committee are authorized to invite guests to the meetings of the central committee, in accordance with the secretariat.
4.3. The collective of party activists
In order to prepare important decisions and resolutions and to evaluate meetings of the central committee, the central committee can convene the collective of party activists.
The collective of party activists has to be fixed by name and will be informed after party congresses. The collective of party activists is an advising institution. Its advice can be adopted by the central committee.
The Congress of the collective of party activists can be declared as the party congress by a two-thirds majority of the present members.
4.4. The Secretariat
The secretariat is the leading institution of the party between the meetings of the central committee, organizes and coordinates the execution of the resolutions adopted by the central committee and adopts necessary measures. It is accountable to the central committee. It leads the federal committee and works on the basis of the half-yearly timetable of the central committee of the KPD.
Part of the secretariat of the central committee are:
- the chairman of the party
- the deputy chairman of the party
- the head treasurer
- further members of the central committee
The chairman of the central control and dispute committee, the chairman of the central finance-revision committee and the editor-in-chief of the central press organ of the party "Die Rote Fahne" have the right to attend the meetings of the secretariat.
4.5. The federal organization
The federal committee leads the activities of the federal organizations referring to the execution of the resolutions of the party congress, the central committee, and its own organization. In order to implement certain decisions commissions can be convened.
a resolution of the federal committee, new federal organizations can be founded.
Meetings of the federal delegate conference or the federal member assembly take place whenever needed, however at least once a year and will be convened four weeks in advance by the regional committee in written form.
It is quorate when more than half of the elected delegates or members are present.
The delegates are elected by cells and regional organizations. Their number is determined by the federal committees in accordance with the regional committees and cells.
The federal delegate conference or the federal member assembly have to fulfill the following tasks:
- It receives the reports of the federal committees, the finance-revision commission, and the control and dispute commission and adopts corresponding resolutions.
- It resolves the tasks for the federal organizations for a certain period of time on the basis of the resolutions of the party congress and their own resolutions.
- It discusses and adopts requests of organizations, commissions, delegates, and members.
- It elects the delegates of the party congress.
- It elects the federal committees, the finance-revisions commission, and the control and dispute commission or the financial auditor and the chairman of the control and dispute commission, respectively, with a simple majority.
The federal committees elect their chairmen, the deputies, the treasurer and if necessary the secretariat of the federal committee with a simple majority.
The representation and the tasks of the secretariat are determined by the federal committee.
The meetings of the federal committee take place at least quarterly, according to the work plan of the federal committee.
It is authorized to make proposals to the secretariat of the central committee concerning the agenda of the meetings of the central committee.
4.6. The regional organization
The regional organization calls for regular member assemblies and ensures the implementation of the resolutions of the party by giving concrete orders to its members.
The regional organization organizes the political activities in its sphere and ensures cooperation with all progressive forces.
The member assembly is quorate when more than half of the members are present. It fulfills the following tasks:
- It receives the reports of the regional committees and the auditor and dispute commission and adopts corresponding resolutions.
- It resolves the tasks for the regional organizations and the auditor for a certain period of time on the basis of the resolutions of the party congress, the central committee, and the federal committee.
- It elects the delegates of the federal delegate congress.
- It elects the regional committees (chairman, deputy, treasurer, and further members) with a simple majority.
- It elects the auditor.
- It elects the chairman of the control and dispute commission
The regional organization works according to a plan.
4.7. The cell
The cell is the parties smallest form of organization. It calls for regular member assemblies and ensures the implementation of the resolutions of the party by giving concrete orders to its members.
It organizes the political activities in its sphere and ensures cooperation with all progressive forces. The member assembly elects the chairman of the cell and the deputy. The chairman is responsible for finance.
The cell works according to a plan. It is subordinated to the responsible regional organization or the federal organization, respectively.
5. Participation in the elections to the parliaments
The nomination of candidates for elections of the Kommunalparlament, the Kreistag, Landtag, and Bundestag takes place at member assemblies and delegate conferences or party congresses, respectively. The candidates are elected secretly and the election is logged. Elected candidates are representatives of the KPD and are committed to its objectives and policy.
6. The finance-revision commission
Finance and revision commissions are elected for the whole party at party congresses, federal delegate conferences or federal member assemblies and regional organizations.
They consist of at least three members. The chairman and the deputy are elected by and from among the members themselves. Organizations with a small number of members elect an auditor.
The finance and revision commission works on the basis of:
- the programme
- the statute
- the finance and revision order
- the contribution and financial order
- the confirmed work plan
The finance and revision commissions or the auditors examine the finance, the regular and right payment of contributions and the careful use of finance and material resources in their field of competence at regular intervals.
The chairman of the finance and revision commission or the auditors can attend the meetings of the central committee or the federal and regional committee in advisory function and are authorized to submit proposals to the agenda.
7. Control Arbitration Commission
Control Arbitration Commissions are elected by the Party Congress and the State Delegate Conferences.
They shall consist of at least three members. They elect the chairman and his deputy from among their members.
In the case of organisations with low strength, a Control Arbitrator is elected.
The activities of the Control Arbitration Commissions are based on these principles:
- the programme
- the Statute
- the Control Arbitration Commission Regulations
- The confirmed routing
Further details can be found in the Control Arbitration Commission Regulations.
The chairmen of the Control Arbitration Commissions and the Control Arbitration Chairman may participate in the meeting of the Central Committee or of the regional and provincial leadership in an advisory capacity and have the right to submit proposals for the agenda.
8. Party Finances
The KPD is financing itself:
- from membership fees
- from donations and other income and donations
Further details are regulated by the contribution and financial regulations.
9. The Contribution Rules
Members shall pay contributions according to their net income as follows:
monthly net income monthly contributions
up to 250,00 € 1,80 €
up to 350,00 € 2,50 €
up to 425,00 € 3,00 €
up to 500,00 € 3,50 €
up to 625,00 € 4,50 €
up to 750,00 € 6,50 €
up to 875,00 € 8,00 €
up to 1.000,00 € 11,00 €
up to 1.250,00 € 14,00 €
up to 1.500,00 € 19,50 €
up to 2.000,00 € 31,00 €
up to 2.500,00 € 46,00 €
up to 3.000,00 € 59,00 €
For each additional 500,00 € the contribution increases by 25,00 €.
The admission fee is 2,50 €.
60% of the contributions are to be paid to the Central Committee.
The remaining 40 per cent will be used independently by the heads of the federal organisations.
10. Financial Regulations
1. the means necessary for the performance of the Party's tasks shall be provided by
- membership dues
- admission fees
- donations, contributions and other income.
2. In order to ensure the proper management of assets and funds, a treasurer shall be elected at all levels of the organization and a head treasurer shall be elected in the Central Committee. They are always members of the management. In the cells, the administration of the funds is to be delegated to the chairman. At all levels of organization, only one fund is to be kept. The treasurers are responsible for the preparation and presentation of the annual cash reports at the respective organisational level.
3. Cash management is based on financial plans. At all organisational levels, the head treasurer must organise uniform accounting. At the end of the financial year, the cashiers are obliged to submit cash reports to the management and to the next higher organisational level.
4. The cash reports must provide exact proof of income and expenses, separated by item, and must be accompanied by the necessary explanations. The cash report must be submitted in writing to the next higher organisational level within four weeks at the end of the financial year.
5. All Party divisions and their treasurers shall be required to disclose the finances of their respective organizational units to the Party Treasurer at all times.
6. The financial and material resources of all organizations in the KPD, from the cell to the Central Committee, are the property of the Communist Party of Germany and are administered by the respective organizations.
7. The membership fees are usually collected monthly. The shares to the Central Committee are to be paid quarterly.
8. The Central Committee is entitled to make exceptions for the amount of membership fees in special circumstances.
9. The Central Committee is entitled to issue donation stamps for "extra contributions". These will be billed to the Central Committee.
Members of the Party who receive remuneration in the exercise of public offices and mandates shall pay these to the Central Committee of the Party after deduction of their costs for the exercise of the office.
10. The financial year shall be the calendar year.
11. The Central Committee shall account for the origin and use of the funds received by the Party within a calendar year (financial year) in accordance with the Party Law. The report shall be submitted to the President of the German Bundestag by September 30 of the year following the financial year. The federal and regional organisations shall submit reports to the Central Committee by April 15 of the following year on the origin and use of the funds within a financial year.
12. If state funds are available to the party in accordance with § 18, paras. 3 and 4 of the Political Parties Act, the Central Committee shall decide on the proportionate use of these funds at the organisational levels. If federal organizations or regional organizations subordinate to these cause reclaims of state funds on the basis of unjustly designated donations and contributions in accordance with the provisions of § 31a of the Political Parties Act, they lose their claim to the pro rata funds.
11. Dissolution of the Party
The dissolution of the Communist Party of Germany or a merger with other parties can only be decided at a party conference.
The dissolution or the merger becomes effective if at least 75 percent of the members agree.
12. Final Provisions
Revisions and amendments to the Statute may only be adopted at a Party Congress.
The present version of the Statute was adopted at the 25th Congress of the KPD on 21 April 2007.
Election Regulations
The elections of the Communist Party of Germany take place
- every two years in the cells, in the local and district organisations
- every two years in the federal and regional organisations and in the party
In the cells, local and district organizations, the new leaders are elected at election report meetings of all members.
The federal and regional managements, the federal and regional financial audit commissions and the federal control and arbitration commissions are elected at federal and regional delegate conferences and federal and regional general meetings.
The Central Committee, the Chairman of the KPD, the Central Financial Audit Commission and the Central Control/Arbitration Commission are elected at party conferences.
At the election report meetings, the federal delegate conferences or rather the federal general meetings and the party conference, the relevant leadership and the central committee, the financial audit commissions and the control/arbitration commissions report on the work carried out during the previous election period.
A thorough discussion must be held on the accountability reports.
At the same time, the Party Congress, the Delegates' Conferences and the Electoral Report Assemblies decide on the tasks for the coming parliamentary term within their area of responsibility.
The convening of the Federal Delegates' Conferences or the Federal Members' Assemblies and the Party Congress, as well as the election of the delegates and their number in the individual organisations, shall be governed by the Statute of the Party.
The strength of the leadership to be elected is determined by the election report meetings, the federal delegate conferences or federal member meetings and the party congress.
Elections in the KPD are generally secret.
Election commissions are elected to conduct secret elections. Its members cannot run for the corresponding leadership.
The election commissions ensure that the candidates are nominated, that the ballot papers are drawn up and that the election is conducted and evaluated.
In the party cells a member leads the election of the cell secretary and his deputy.
In all elections those candidates are elected who have the most votes, but at least the majority of the votes cast (50 percent + 1).
A written record shall be drawn up of each election held, showing the individual results for all elected and non-elected candidates.
The report shall be signed by the chairman and all members of the election commission, and confirmed by the newly elected chairman and two members of the management.
It shall be deposited with the new management and sent to the higher management, together with the report of the election report meeting or delegate conference.
Revisions and amendments to the KPD Election Rules may only be adopted at a Party Congress.
Financial Auditing Regulation of KPD
A Central Auditing Commission shall be elected by the Party Congress of KPD for the entire party.
At conferences of delegates at Federal state and regional level, respectively general meetings of party members, financial auditing commissions shall be elected by secret ballot.
The number of commissioners shall be at least three.
In cases where the number of members of the organisation is too small, at least one auditor has to be elected. At tasks, which exceed his capabilities, he will be supported by the Central Auditing Commission.
Generally, members of the Financial Auditing Commission should not be part of any leadership or other commissions.
Foundation of the activity of the Financial Auditing Commission is:
the Party Programme
the Statute
the Financial Auditing Regulation
the Financial Directive and Contribution Policies
Rights and obligations of the Financial Auditing Commissions
As commissions, which are independent of their leaderships, they have the right to participate in all meetings that fall within their area of responsibility. Their obligation is to inspect the finances of the party and the utilization of the funds according to their legitimacy. The commissions responsibility is to examine, if the inventory of the party is used effectively.
At any time, the members of the Financial Auditing Commissions have the right to take a look at all financial documents and inventories of their area of responsibility, as well as demand and examine properly prepared documents. All leaderships are committed to support the activity of the Financial Auditing Commissions. For each examination, a report has to be prepared and made available to the respective leadership. The issued conditions have to be realised by the leadership.
The Financial Auditing Commissions are accountable to the institutions by which they have been elected. Between Party Congresses and conference of delegates at Federal state and regional level, respectively general meetings of party members, the accounting is done to the Central Committee of the KPD and the leaderships of organisations at Federal state and regional level.
In case of discrepancy on accounting at the respective institution, the decision has to be made by the next higher leadership.
Revised versions and alterations of the Financial Auditing Regulation of KPD can only be resolved by the Party Congress.
Regulation of Control and Arbitration Commisions of KPD
I. Principles
Main content of the acitvity of the commissions is to help and support members of KPD, their insitutions and leaderships to realise the Party Programme and the Statute of KPD and to control the realization of resolutions, adopted for this purpose.
The commissions supports the ensuring of unity and purity of Marxism – Leninism as well as the performance of the responsibilities, which have been accepted through recognition of the Party Programme and the Statute.
In cases of violations, which harm the party, the commission, affected members, institutions and leaderships jointly investigate the causes of violation and suggest actions to abolish and avoid repetition of those.
II. Formation of the Control and Arbitration Commission, its position and tasks
The formation of the Control and Arbitration Commissions is carried out at central as well as Federal state and regional level. They shall be elected by the Party Congress, as well as by the conference of delegates at Federal state and regional level, respectively general meetings of party members. The number of commissioners shall be at least three, out of which a chairman and a vice chairman shall be elected.
In cases where the number of members of the organisation is too small, one party member shall be elected, who is capable of independently resolving pending problems in accordance with the responsible leadership and the central Control and Arbitration Commission.
For the tasks of the Control and Arbitration Commissions:
the Party Programme
the Statute
the Regulation of Control and Arbitration Commission and
the Resolution of the Party Congress and the Central Committee
are obligatory.
They examine compliance with the Programme, the Statute and the adopted resoultions, they analyse the causes of violations of the Programme and the Statutes by party members, organisation of members and leaderships. Together with the relevant committees they make necessary decisions to overcome those violations.
The members of the Control and Arbitration Commissions, according to the exertion of their tasks, have the right to participate in all meetings that fall within their area of responsibility.
The commissions will take action at the request of members, organisations and leaderships of the KPD as well as based on their work schedule or based on recognized necessity.
Generally, members of the Control and Arbitration Commissions should not be part of any leadership or other commissions.
In case of violations of the Programme and the Statute by members of the commission, they can be relieved of their position after the case has been investigated by the responsible leadership and decision making bodies of the party.
Generally, decisions of the commissions shall be made unanimously, otherwise the majority of commissioners comes to a decision.
For every meeting, a protocol shall be written.
III. Functioning
1. Basically, the commission analyses causes of occuring problems, in collaboration with the affected persons, members, organisations and leaderships.
2. In accordance with the releavant, respectively superior leaderships, the affected members, organisations and leaderships will be informed about the conclusions and decisions to overcome the determined violations or deficiencies by the person concerned.
In case of problems, which concern the whole party, actions to take will be determined by the Central Committee of the KPD respectively its Secretariat.
3. The processing of requests or requests, based on the commissions own initiative should be carried out as soon as possible, as they are of high relevance.
If investigations are carried out at long-term, the intermediate results have to be communicated to the persons concerned.
To clarify the situation, members of the party can be heard by the commissions, independently of their position. The citations of the Control and Arbitration Commission have to be accepted.
IV. Accountability
The Commissions are accountable to the institutions by which they have been elected.
Between Party Congresses and conferences of delegates at Federal state and regional level, respectively general meetings of party members, the commissions are accountable to the highest bodies of the Party, which have been determined within the Statute.
Revised versions and alterations of the Control and Arbitration Commission can only be resolved by the Party Congress.
